Tupolev is holding talks with Iranian officials over manufacturing its Tu-204 and Tu-334 twinjets in Iran, according to sources within the Russian aircraft-design bureau.

According to Tupolev, however, suggestions by some Iranian officials that talks have been successfully concluded are premature. They say that negotiations are still in progress.

Iran has faced a political embargo on the supply of aircraft with significant US content since the late 1970s, and the country's airlines have relied increasingly on the use of models from the former Soviet Union. More than 20 Tupolev Tu-154s are leased to Iranian carriers, as well as four Yakovlev Yak-42 regional airliners. Another 12 Tu-154-100s are due to be delivered this year.

One version of the Tu-204 is equipped with Russian engines and avionics, while a second has Western equipment. The Tu-334 is a 100-seat regional jet now under development. It will be powered by two ZMBK D-436TI turbofans.

- Certification of the Rolls-Royce RB.211-powered Tu-204, the -120, is due in July. The first production aircraft (RA-64027) is undergoing flight testing.

Source: Flight International