Turkey has officially re-opened a competition to supply its first spy satellite after losing bidder Alcatel protested to the Turkish ministry of defence about the selection of Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI).

According to Turkish sources, Lockheed Martin could join the competition. The US company was for many years the lead supplier of intelligence satellites to the US National Reconnaissance Office, but last year lost out to Boeing which was selected to build the USA's next generation of reconnaissance-imagery spacecraft.

In July, IAI was informed it had won the $270 million contract to supply an Offeq-type satellite bus and an Elop optical payload with a 1m (3ft) monochromatic resolution. The win followed IAI reducing its initial price for the contract, which resulted in Alcatel protesting to the Turkish ministry of defence and demanding to be allowed to submit a new offer (Flight International, 18-24 July).

IAI sources say the company is not yet sure if it will participate in the new competition. Alcatel is expected to rebid.

Source: Flight International