Opening a production plant in Dubai won an unexpected contract for Belgraver Aircraft Interiors (W850).
It will supply around 10,000 passenger seat covers to Olympic Airways in time for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
Company president Peter Belgraver says the order would not have been possible if he had not had a production facility in Dubai, which he opened only three years ago to make seat covers for Emirates and other regional airlines.
Belgraver has been surprised to find that his company can now compete more effectively in some European markets.
"I think we won the order with competitive pricing because of the low cost of wages in Dubai compared to European wages," he says.
When the plant opened it had only a single employee but increased orders have seen the workforce swell to 14.
The Olympic Airways contract is worth more in exposure than revenue, he says, adding that, because of the costs involved, he could never have competed with Greek suppliers without a base in Dubai.
Source: Flight Daily News