UK police have arrested a Virgin Atlantic Airways first officer at London Heathrow airport on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol.

The first officer, who has been released on bail until December, was due to operate as a relief crew member on a Virgin Altantic flight departing for Miami at 09:30 on the morning of 28 October.

Sources close to the situation say that police were called to the aircraft and a breath test was performed onboard.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan police force says: “At 11:16 yesterday morning officers at London Heathrow airport arrested a 42-year old crew member onboard a Virgin Atlantic flight.

“He was arrested under section 94 of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 and was bailed to a date in December. [The Act] relates to being over the limit when performing an aviation function.”

The flight was delayed by around three hours while Virgin sought a replacement crew.

A Virgin spokeswoman says: “Virgin Atlantic can confirm that one of its first officers has been released on police bail in connection with an allegation made [of 28 October].

“The relief first officer was onboard flight VS5 Heathrow to Miami. The flight subsequently departed Heathrow with a replacement flight deck crew.”

The spokeswoman says the pilot has been suspended, pending the outcome of the investigation.

But she adds: “He wasn’t at the controls of the aircraft. He was a relief first officer, so he wasn’t operating the aircraft. The CAA requirements say that because of the length of time for the Miami flight, we need a third member of flight deck.”

In March this year a Virgin pilot, who was due to operate a flight between Heathrow and New York, was arrested under similar circumstances. But he was cleared following a subsequent blood test.

The spokeswoman says: “Virgin Atlantic would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and would like to reassure passengers that the airline will be investigating this matter thoroughly in accordance with its strict company policies in relation to operational staff. 

“The safety and security of its passengers and crew is Virgin Atlantic’s top priority.”

