The UK Ministry of Defence will issue its tactical unmanned air vehicle (UAV) requirements to support land operations at an industry briefing this month.

"The programme is aimed at companies that will have an interest in participating as prime or major subcontractors in any future competitive tendering exercises for Projects Sender [unit UAV] and Spectator [formation UAV] that may arise," says the MoD.

Sender requirements include an electro-optical sensor to provide battalion commanders with near-instantaneous reconnaissance at up to 30km (16nm). The Sender would be fielded between 2005 and 2008, after field trials next year.

An air vehicle small enough to be hand-launched is under study, as are larger fixed-wing UAVs that are catapult-launched or can operate from unprepared ground.

The larger Spectator, expected to have a 150km range, is required for service entry in 2008. The concept calls for an all-weather reconnaissance sensor with communications, minefield detection and electronic warfare payloads.

Source: Flight International