Pilots at US Airways are seeking help from the US National Mediation Board (NMB) in talks that have lingered since the merger of US Airways and America West in 2005.

Pilots represented by the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA) have formally applied to the NMB for mediation in talks to achieve a single contract between the two pilot groups.

USAPA in April sought an NMB facilitator to assist in the talks, but says US Airways management rejected that proposal.

"US Airways pilots have tired of the rhetoric and welcome the opportunity to negotiate under the auspices of NMB Mediation and the Railway Labor Act, where impasse allows us to persuade our company to do the right thing," says USAPA in a statement.

A group of former 'east' pilots formerly with US Airways in 2008 banded together to form the USAPA to oust the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) as the representative union for the carrier's pilots. Those pilots were unhappy over the fact that a previous seniority list drafted through an arbitrator allotted too much seniority to the former America West pilots.

In May of this year six America West pilots who brought a legal challenge against USAPA convinced a jury that the union formally breached fair duly of representation. The USAPA is appealing the decision.

Both groups are earning salaries based on rates negotiated under previous agreements, and in the past the America West Pilots Protective Alliance explained US Airways management in May of 2008 presented USAPA with a $122 million pay and benefit package, but the proposal was never disseminated to pilots for a vote.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news