Unmanned air vehicle (UAV) concepts based on the unconventional CarterCopter (CC), a hybrid autogyro and fixed-wing design, are believed to have been submitted to the US Navy for its Multi-Role Endurance (MRE) UAV contest. Contract bids were due to be submitted by 17 March.

Although the bidders are not identified, they are thought to include Northrop Grumman, which has expressed interest in the CC concept. Northrop Grumman, recently won the USN's Vertical Take-Off UAV contest with a modified Schweizer helicopter.

Texas-based CarterCopter says only that the USN is "considering" the CC . The company adds: "Representatives from the navy and from a company interested in being systems integrator, have visited Wichita Falls to see the CC."

No details of the proposed CC UAV versions have been revealed, although company president Jay Carter has outlined a high aspect ratio variant able to circumnavigate the world at 30,000ft (9,150m) in four and a half days.

The baseline UAV derivative is expected to resemble closely the proof-of-concept prototype being modified for a new phase of flight tests at Wichita Falls, Texas.

MRE roles include intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and suppression of enemy defences. Study contracts are due to be awarded by the USN by 7 April.

Source: Flight International