A US TRAINING school is claiming a first after a student passed the flight test, in the USA, for an UK Civil Aviation Authority professional licence. Long Beach, California based Everything Flyable says, that the flight test on 14 July was the first for a CAA licence to be conducted outside the UK.

Capt Simon Trussell, director of CAA training at Everything Flyable, says that CAA approval to conduct training courses for UK commercial-pilot licences and flying-instructor certificates came after an "exhaustive and expensive" effort by the company. The flight-test was conducted by a CAA examiner from the UK.

Everything Flyable plans to expand its CAA training, with the addition of an instrument-rating course, says Trussell. He expects other US training organisations to follow the school's lead. Six more UK students are training, he says.

Trussell says that the advantages over training in the UK include lower flying costs, better weather and guaranteed examiner availability. Previously, students trained in the USA had to undertake additional training on returning to the UK to convert their US Federal Aviation Administration licences to the CAA equivalent.

Source: Flight International