Peter La Franchi/CANBERRA

The Australian Department of Defence is to gain access to photographic imagery generated by US low-earth orbit reconnaissance satellites under a secret two-nation agreement being implemented this year. The agreement will give the Australian military high-resolution photographic intelligence on locations throughout much of Asia.

The agreement, known within the Australian Department of Defence as Project 444 and Project Galant, follows extensive renegotiation of arrangements for intelligence sharing between Australia and the USA over the past five years. Specific arrangements for access to US orbital photographic imagery were renegotiated in 1995.

The Australian Department of Defence partially acknowledged the existence of the project on 1 June in a short statement to Flight International, saying: "Def 444 is a major capital project which is responsible for the acquisition of a computer-based information system to support spatially related data. The project is planned for implementation in financial year 1999-2000."

The primary operator for the system will be the Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation. The Australian Government approved multi-million dollar funding for the project as part of the classified component of its 1996 defence budget.

Extensive planning for the data handling, including secure communications links, have been undertaken over the over the past two years. The project also includes an extensive upgrade of Australia's orbital photographic intelligence databases during the 1998-2000 time frame.

High-resolution imagery obtained by Galant will be disseminated to operational commanders down to the tactical level.

Source: Flight International