A letter of intent to purchase as many as 49 AgustaWestland AW139s assembled in a new plant in Russia adds credence to a new 50-50 joint venture between the Finmeccanica subsidiary and Oboronprom, a Russian investment group formed in 2002.

Though first announced at the Farnborough air show in July, the joint venture to create an AW139 final assembly line near Moscow had not been formalised until earlier this month, when both companies signed an agreement. The goal is to produce helicopters primarily for Russia and other CIS countries, the company says, and through the AgustaWestland network, "for the rest of the world". The deal remains tentative pending approval from the Russian government.

Assuming the arrangement passes regulatory hurdles, Russian oil and gas helicopter operator UTAir could be the first to receive the medium-twin helicopters from the new line. UTAir has signed a letter of intent to purchase 35-49 AW139s over five to seven years, with deliveries starting in 2011.

 © AgustaWestland

Source: Flight International