The ubiquitous IAE V2500 range of engines has now passed five million flying hours... equivalent to flying around the world 54,000 times.

More than 2,000 V2500s have been ordered since the programme was launched 13 years ago, and the latest generation -A5/-D5 variants have established an engine caused in-flight shutdown rate of 0.002 per thousand hours, or one for every half-million flying hours.

Nevertheless, the company is aiming for a further 25% reduction in maintenance costs on the V2500 family, concentrating on developing repairs and improving lifing for high-cost parts such as turbine blades and air seals and reducing overhaul times.

Many of the lessons learned on the earlier -A1 engines are now being applied to the current -A5 production run.

With eight variants now flying and a customer base of 70 airlines and leasing companies, the V2500 programme includes orders for nearly 1,000 aircraft, around 300 of which have been delivered.

Source: Flight Daily News