Vietnam is planning to quadruple airport capacity by 2020 to accommodate strong growth in the market for passenger and cargo services.

Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam deputy director of international affairs Luu Van Doan told delegates at Asian Aerospace International Congress the expansion will require billions of dollars in funding. By 2010, around $1 billion will be spent on airport development, while another $1.8bn will be spent from 2011 to 2015 and a further $2.7bn between 2016 and 2020, he says.

“The priority will be given to the development of international airports,” says Doan, adding that demand for both domestic and international air transport has been growing rapidly in Vietnam.

Between 1995 and 2005 passenger traffic grew 11% annually while cargo volumes increased 13.4% annually, he says. Passenger and freight traffic is forecast to continue growing strongly through 2010, he adds, requiring aggressive airport expansion initiatives. Doan says plans call for the country’s total airport capacity to be increased by 250% by 2015 and by 400% by 2020.

In the northern part of the country, a second passenger terminal is planned after 2010 at Hanoi’s Noi Bai airport, while Cat Bi at Haiphong is being upgraded to an international facility, a new runway is being built at Na San airport and a new airport was opened recently at Dong Hoi.

In the central part of the country, a new terminal is to be built at Danang and Cam Ranh, while Chu Lai is to be upgraded to an international facility. In the south, a new terminal is being built at Tan Son airport, Can Tho is to be upgraded and new airports are to be built at Long Thanh, near Ho Chi Minh City, and Phu Quoc. Currently there are 22 airports in Vietnam, three of which are international facilities. These are at Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang.


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Source: Flight Daily News