Virgin Atlantic has received an award for the increase in Boeing B747-400 carbon brake life achieved by the company. The B747-400 Operational Excellence award was presented by Goodrich's Aircraft Wheels and Brakes division after Virgin achieved a 60% improvement in carbon brake life longevity.

Jeff Livings, Virgin Atlantic's director of engineering, says: "Achieving one of the highest average B747-400 brake life levels in the world reflects the tremendous efforts made by Goodrich and Virgin Atlantic to secure the lowest possible costs while assuring the highest technical standards for our braking systems."

He adds: "It is also testament to the excellent co-operative relationship Virgin has shared with the Goodrich Wheels and Brakes division over recent years. This relationship, coupled with the Goodrich product, is a potent combination in the ongoing drive to improve operational efficiency while maintaining control of costs."

Source: Flight Daily News