The decision whether to launch NASA's James Webb Space Tele­scope (JWST) in 2011 aboard a European Ariane 5 or a US vehicle is near. The Ariane launch from Europe's French Guiana spaceport is on offer as part of the European Space Agency's contribution to the project, which includes provision of a near-infrared spectrograph. The decision will be made by the US Department of Defense, which must give its approval to use Ariane. "The decision [on which vehicle] is imminent," says Maureen Heath, civil space vice-president for JWST prime contractor Northrop Grumman.

The JWST is the largest-ever deployable telescope with a 6.5m (20ft) - diameter primary mirror, formed of 18 beryllium segments, and a sun shield the size of a tennis court to help keep the mirror cool. The observatory will orbit the Sun at the second Lagrange point, 1.5 million km (940,000 miles) from Earth.

Source: Flight International
