Indo-Russian maintenance and repair venture, Integrated Helicopter Services (IHSPL) has opened a service centre for all types of civil Russia-built helicopters in Greater Noida, India.

"We are planning to make this centre one of the key elements of our support network for existing Russian-made rotorcraft and Mi and Kamov helicopters delivered in the future to India and South-East Asia as a whole," says Russian Helicopters CEO, Dmitry Petrov.

IHSPL envisions that the centre "will become the stronghold for warranty service of Russia-made rotorcraft in India".

It plans to provide major repairs, including engines and avionics, and to offer user maintenance in the future, says IHSPL.

The service centre also plans to have a training centre, and a supply base to provide spare parts to Indian operators of Russian rotorcraft, it adds.

At present, Russian Helicopters is the only official supplier of Russian civil helicopters to India, says IHSPL.

IHSPL is a venture between Russian Helicopters, a part of United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom, and Indian company Vectra Group.

Source: Flight Daily News