Web Manuals, which offers an application that allows business aircraft operators to store operating manuals and other documents in the cloud – says it has doubled its US client base since the last NBAA convention in Orlando.
The Swedish company opened a Stateside office in San Diego in 2016 and now about 20 of its 115 users are based in the USA. They include five Fortune 500 companies with Part 91 flight operations as well as several “east and west coast” Part 135 operators, says chief executive Martin Lidgard.
But for Lidgard, who founded the company in 2012 in a buyout of another Swedish tech developer, the recent growth is only the start. “We see huge potential in the US market,” he says. “We believe we can grow tenfold by 2020 with half of these new customers from the USA.”
He says there are several features of Web Manuals’ tool that set it apart from other cloud-based storage systems. “First is the editing environment,” he says. “It is purpose built for aviation manuals. A lot of companies update these in Word. The trouble is that getting the formatting and revision control correct can take longer than the actual rewriting. We provide an online documentation editing environment that does 80-90% of the work.”
Another advantage is that the app is both iPad and Windows compatible. “This means you can manage your process by making sure your pilots have downloaded and read the documentation,” says Lidgard. “This closes the loop on knowledge sharing.”
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Source: Flight Daily News