Good Week

Lufthansa Airbus A330 
 © Airbus
LUFTHANSA The German flag carrier expects to turn in a full-year operating profit of €1.3 billion ($1.7 billion), up from its earlier forecast of €1.1 billion. Lufthansa cited a more-stable than expected fourth quarter as falling demand hit revenues, but the reduction was offset by lower fuel costs and improved exchange rate. Looking forward, Lufthansa is wary of falling demand. And, if it succeeds in taking a controlling stake in BMI, it may have a pilots' dispute to resolve.


Bad Week

Nigel Turner 
 © BMI
NIGEL TURNER The BMI chief executive faces a no-confidence motion from his pilots after citing the economic climate and axing a pay rise that had been agreed for this year - part of a three-year deal which averted a strike back in 2006. The British Air Line Pilots Association even accuses BMI of accessing pilots' bank accounts to take back increases it paid last month. BALPA general secretary Jim McAuslan says: "This is as serious a situation as I have come across."

Source: Flight International