Good week

Zodiac Airbus A380 interior
 © Airbus
ZODIAC Exchange rate headwinds cost the French aircraft control systems and cabin interiors maker some revenue in its year to end-August, but a 2.5% dip to €2.15 billion ($2.81 billion) hides a 13.5% fourth quarter surge. Chairman Olivier Zarrouati says the company, which brushed aside recent acquisition interest from Safran, is "positioned to fully benefit from the recovery of civil aviation". The forthcoming acquisition of galley maker Sell should nourish this trend.


Bad week

Prison cells
 © Stephen Behan/Rex Features
BCI Six more defendants including managing director Craig Papayanis have been indicted by US federal courts in an alleged $50 million fraud scheme involving the aircraft lessor and its owner, Brian Hollnagel, who has been charged with wire fraud, tax fraud, bribery and obstructing a Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit. Hollnagel remains free on a $1.7 million bond since his arrest last March. BCI has been charged with wire fraud, obstruction and bribery.



Source: Flight International