Good week
© Airbus |
HAMBURG AIRWAYS Insolvent German charter airline Hamburg International is to resume operations with a new name thanks to investors who've bought some assets and are hanging on to some central staff, customer contracts and slots. Some operations could resume as early as January. A spokesman for the buyer consortium calls Hamburg Airways a "financially powerful" company that will continue the former co-operation with tour operators.
Bad week
© Rex Features |
IRELAND The insolvent country's airlines got their wish for a travel tax cut - only to have Brian Lenihan, the finance minister overseeing Ireland's money matters, warn them not to raise any fresh charges of their own. Lenihan says the tax, which he slashed from €10 to €3, has been blamed for reducing visitor numbers. That shouldn't be a problem now, as visitors pile in looking for bargains on stuff like tweed, linen, country cottages or an island west of England.
Source: Flight International