Elettronica, the Italian electronic warfare systems provider, is to promote a new EW system in selected countries. It is based on the so-called "cross-eye concept" of two geographically spaced emitters working together, and is being developed as part of the EW suite for Italian air force Eurofighters.
The system will be housed in the two wingtip pods as the main component of an integrated defensive aids subsystem. Elettronica is proposing airborne and naval applications and has offered the system to the Brazilian air force as part of the Alenia led bid for the country's F-X competition.
Elettronica has also developed a solid state jamming pod, the ELT-553(V)5, with all the antennas and line replaceable avionics units embedded inside a Lockheed Martin F-16 underwing pylon modified by Denmark's Terma. This removes the need to dedicate a hardpoint to carry a pod, reduces the drag and frees the pylon to carry other external stores.
The system is being offered to several potential customers and, in Brazil, may be included in the up-grade package that the air force is defining along with the Italian air force for the Alenia/Embraer MX, replacing the current internal radar warning receiver/electronic countermeasures system.
Source: Flight International