One of the main reasons that Farnborough's thousands of exhibitors are able to display their products at the air show is thanks to its logistics partner, Ceva Showfreight.

The Midlands-based division of global logistics giant Ceva Logistics provides the vast majority of transport and handling for exhibitors on site using a fleet of 55 forklifts and 130 articulated trucks.

A typical show sees it handling some 300t of airfreight and 1,500 separate items of seafreight and unloading work.

Ceva has been working with the show organisers since 1994 and has staff on site from mid-May until the end of August.

Mark Bristol, sales manager at Ceva Showfreight, says: "It's a massive project, it takes near enough a year from the start of planning. The site is always changing - there are always bits being sold off or developed and it's a working airport too."

He describes the show as a "huge logistical challenge", not least because of the need to find accommodation for the 170 people it employs during the event. As well as truck and forklift drivers it also uses 90 traffic staff on site,

Bristol adds: "Part of the reason it takes a year to plan it is because we have to make sure we have enough accommodation for all our staff."

Source: Flight Daily News