As Farnborough swelters in the summer heat, leading de- and anti-icing firm Kilfrost is urging ground handling crews in the northern hemisphere to make sure their preparations for next winter are in place.

Last winter saw prolonged and significantly cold weather across the whole of mainland Europe and North America, which seriously affected air travel and caused higher than normal consumption of de-icing products.

Italy, for example, took the same amount of Kilfrost fluid in a ten-day period last winter than it did over the whole of winter 2008-2009.

Kilfrost chief executive Gary Lydiate says: "Many customers had relied well on their existing plans for a number of years, but with the winter weather turning colder, and periods of ice, snow and frost lasting longer, we're advising that all winterisation plans should be updated now to ensure smooth operation this coming winter.

"Equally important is the first fill of the pipelines, as a large amount of fluid can be stored here, and some airports are already receiving delivery now, in the summer months."

Source: Flight Daily News