Venyo Europe has unveiled the prototype of its flight simulation training device (FSTD) at the Paris air show, which is proving a perfect opportunity to showcase one of its commercial selling points - its mobility.

Jean-Claude Streel, the company's business development manager, says Paris is the first air show at which a fully operating flight simulator has been demonstrated to potential customers, thanks to the fact that the FSTD can be moved by trailer and does not require a separate power source.

Venyo flight sim


STREEL: There is a plan to build 30 in the next two years

"This is the first time for an industry simulator where we can operate it at a show," he says.

The new FSTD Boeing 737NG simulator is also the first real-time simulator with an interactive computer system, which is called "the logic", says Venyo chief executive Fabrice Cornet. This allows an instructor to alter a flight programme while the programme is running and gives an overview of the aircraft's electrical, hydraulic, pneumatics and fuel systems.

Venyo Europe is planning to keep the first two FSTD units for its own accredited training organisation (ATO) programme, but plans to manufacture some 30 units in the next two years for the commercial market. The product will be ready to deliver by the third or fourth quarter of 2014, says Streel.

"We have a business plan to build 30 in the next two years. It is based on the Boeing 737 but we can directly start diversification for another fleet, probably an Airbus," he adds.

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Source: Flight Daily News